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  • Position prestazione occasionale
  • Id call 2956
  • Proponent Giovanni Dosi
  • State archivio
  • Subject Istituto di Economia
  • Number of positions 1
  • Lenght 7 months
  • Call notice date 23.03.2021
  • Deadline for application submission 07.04.2021
  • Data pubblicazione graduatoria 09.04.2021 - 09:31
Istituto di Economia - Avviso per il conferimento di un incarico occasionale della durata di 7 mesi per attivita' di ricerca nell'ambito del progetto OECD CONTRACT FOR INTELLECTUAL SERVICES 2020/STI/PIE RELATIVE TO "AI DIFFUSION". The candidate under the scientific supervision of Prof. Giovanni Dosi will have to perform the following research activities: 1) Link the labour-saving research carried out under line 1.3 of the AI-WIPS project to BGT data, to investigate firms' human capital change and hiring dynamics related to labour saving technological developments, thus contributing to line 4.3 of the AI-WIPS project. 2) Link data related to companies hiring AI-related workers from BGT to firm data from Orbis, patent data from Patstat, trademark data from TMlink and mergers and acquisition data from Zephir. This would allow analysing the technological and product portfolios of these companies and how they relate to companies' (re)organisation, in terms of job posting and changes thereof, over time. This will help shed light on if and how AI adoption is leading to a change in the human capital of firms and whether human capital changes go hand in hand with a change in innovative activities. Also, it will help shed light on the extent these companies are involved in mergers and acquisitions and whether M&A dynamics relate to / shape the type of goods and services that firms position on the market, as they adopt and develop AI.